Banana pradhaman


  • Nendran Banana = 1kg
  • Chavvary = 250g
  • Jaggery = 1kg
  • Coconut = 2nos
  • Cow milk = 1/2lr
  • Ghee
  • Cashew
  • Raisins
  • Cumin powder = 2 tea spoon
  • Dry ginger powder = 2 tea spoon
  • Cardamon = 10 nos

Methods to prepare

  •  Clean chavvary and cook it
  •  Prepare jaggery syrup by adding water to it
  •  Cut the banana into small pieces and put it for cooking
  •  Cut coconut into small square pieces and fry it in the ghee along with cashew and raisins
  •  Crush the cooked banana and add jaggery syrup into it by stirring, add second coconut milk and boil it, add cooked chavvary into this.
  • Stir well and add cow mil into this. Add ghee, fried coconut pieces, cashews and raisins. Keep on stirring by adding cumin powder and dry ginger power.
  •  Add first coconut milk and cardamon powder, keep stirring and when its starts getting thick, turn off the stove,

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