Lolollika Pickle


  • Lololikka – 1 kg
  •  Chilly powder -1 tbsp
  •  Mustard Seeds 2 tsp
  •  Fenugreek- 1 tsp
  •  Asafoetida- ½ tsp
  •  Garlic -14 to 15 petals
  •  Curry Leaves 3 Sprigs
  •  Salt ½ Cup
  •  Water 1 cup
  •  Cumin powder -1/2 tsp
  •  Oil-for cooking


  •  First we boil the Lololi-kka in water, till the colour changes.Keep it aside
  •  Heat oil in a pan .Splutter mustard seeds.
  •  The we Saute garlic, chilly, curry leaves,asfoetida and cumin powder,
    mix well
  •  Then we add red chilli powder,and mix well
  •  Then we add water and mix well
  •  Finally we add lololikka and salt ,mixwell
  • Once it starts to boil, switch off the stove.
  • And then serve with rice

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