- Rice flour – ½ kg (fried)
- Bananas – 5
- Jaggery water – 300 gm (boiled in water and filtered)
- Cashew nuts – 250 gm (crushed)
- Raisins – 100 gm ( cut into 2 pieces)
- Black sesame seeds – 1 ½ tsp
- Palm left – 10 to 12 ( cleaned and cut into pieces of palm size)
- Banana fiber – 30 ( or any other thread to tie)
- Salt for taste
- Water as required
- Firstly, in a bowl smash the bananas along with some jaggery water and afterwards add rice
flour along with 5 to 6 smashed cardamom, crushed cashew nuts, raisins and black sesame
seeds. Add a pinch of salt for taste. Blend it well by adding adequate jaggery water to it. - Once blend properly roll the entire thing into a big ball.
- Now take small portion of the boll and roll it into the shape of kozhukkatta. Then cover it
using two palm leafs and use the banana fiber to tie it at top and bottom. Now keep it aside. - Repeat the same process until all mix is covered using the palm leaf.
- Then, fill water in a steamer or idli maker along with few Cardamom in it. Now carefully
place the uncooked kozhukkatta one on top of another and cover it with the lid. - Wait for 15 to 20 minutes while the kozhukkatta if fully cooked.
- Serve it hot.
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