Kerala Traditional Jack fruit Erissery


  • Jackfruit – 1kg
  • Shallots – 7 or 8 nos
  • Green chilli-3 nos
  • Garlic – 5 or 67 nos
  • Curry leaves – 2 or 3 sprigs
  • Grated coconut – 1 cup
  • Turmeric powder – 1 tsp
  • Dry red chillies – 3 or 4 nos
  • cumin seed – 1 tsp
  • mustard seed -1 tsp
  • salt – 1 or 2 tsp
  • oil -2or 3 tbsp


  • Firstly remove outer thorny green skin of jack fruit and cut it into half .
  • And remove the seed and chopped the jackfruit ,keep a side.
  • Heat a heavy bottom pan add some seed and chopped jackfruit.
  • Add some water ,cover andcook them well.
  • Then remove the lid and add some salt,cook for some times.
  • Then grind green chilli,garlic, cumin seed ,grated coconut ,turmeric powder and curry leaves into smooth
    paste,keep aside.
  • Now we have to smash the cooked jackfruit with spatula .
  • Then add grinded coconut paste and water mix them well and cook for few minutes.
  • Heat oil in a pan add mustard seed, let crackled .
  • Add dry red chilli ,chopped shallots,curryleaves and grated coconut ,fry them well till they become golden
  • Pour the fried ingredients into the jackfruit erissery pan and mix them well.
  • Serve the kerala traditional jack fruit erissery with meals.
  • Enjoy the healthy meals.

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