Rasam without instant rasam powder

*Tomato – 3 nos.
*Garlic – 6 nos.
*Ginger – 1 big piece.
*Dried chilies – 4 nos.
*Coriander – 2 teaspoons.
*Pepper – 2 teaspoons.
*Green chilies – 4 nos.
*Hing – 2 small pieces.
*Curry leaves – 2 stems.
*Tamarind – 1 gooseberry size.
*Coconut oil – 1 tablespoon.
*Mustard – 1 teaspoon.
*Fenugreek powder – 1 teaspoon.
*Cumin powder – 1 teaspoon.
*Salt – to taste.
*Water – as required.
1 Soak the tamarind in water.
2 Clean garlic and ginger. Thinly slice tomatoes. Slit green chilies.
3 Crush ginger, garlic, dried chilies, coriander, pepper. Add one ingredient at a time and crush all together.
4 Heat a pan with oil, splutter mustard. Saute in the crushed paste.
5 Add slit chilies and saute till the rawness is gone.
6 Saute in the sliced tomatoes.
7 Add the juice extracted from the soaked tamarind and salt and bring it to boil.
8 To the boiling rasam add fenugreek powder, cumin powder.
9 Remove from the flame.

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