Raw banana skin with black-eyed beans thoran


*Banana skin –  6 nos.
*Black-eyed beans – 1/4 cup.
*Grated coconut – 1 cup.
*Green chilies – 5 nos.
*Turmeric powder — 1/2 teaspoon.
*Garlic – 5 cloves.
*Cumin 1 teaspoon.
*Shallots – 5 nos.
*Dried chilies – 5 nos.
*Curry leaves – 2 stems.
*Coconut oil – 1 teaspoon.
*Salt – to taste.

1 Peel the skin of the banana and chop them into small pieces.
2 Cook black-eyed beans.
3 For the paste, grind coconut, garlic, green chilies, cumin, and curry leaves.
4 Slice shallots and dried chilies.
5 Heat a pan with oil, splutter mustard seed. Saute in shallots and dried chilies, and curry leaves.
6 Add banana skin and saute.
7 Saute in the prepared paste and the cooked black-eyed beans. Season it with salt. Once cooked take it off the flame.
Authentic raw banana skin with black-eyed beans thorna is ready.

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