Ladyfinger dry fry

August 17, 2020 Admin 0

Ingredients *Ladyfinger – 5 – 6 nos. *Green chilies – 2 nos. *Turmeric powder – 1/4 tablespoon. *Salt as per taste. Method 1 Heat a […]

Beef pickle

August 17, 2020 Admin 0

Ingredients *Beef – 1 kg. *Garlic – 200 gms. *Ginger – 200 gms. *Garam masala – 50 gms. *Chili powder – 6 tablespoons. *Turmeric powder […]

Long runner beans thoran

August 17, 2020 Admin 0

Ingredients *Long runner beans – 1 kg. *Onion – 1 no. *Green chilies – 2 nos. *Ginger – small piece. *Grated coconut – 12 cup. […]

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Shallots thoran

August 17, 2020 Admin 0

Ingredients *Shallots – 1 kg. *Green chilies – 3 – 4 nos. *Ginger – 1 small piece. *Coconut oil – 4 tablespoons. *Mustard – 1 […]

Ladyfinger curry

August 17, 2020 Admin 0

*Ladyfinger – 1 kg. *Onion – 1 no. *Green chilies – 2 nos. *Cumin – 1 tablespoon. *Cinnamon – 1 small piece. *Coconut oil – […]

Taro root curry

August 17, 2020 Admin 0

Ingredients *Taro root – 1/2 kg peeled and cut to small pieces. *Grated coconut – 1 cup. *Cumin – 1 teaspoon. *Shallots – 10 nos. […]

Green lentil payasam

August 17, 2020 Admin 0

Ingredients *Green lentils – 1 kg. *Raw rice – 1/2 kg. *Sago – 1/4 cup. *Jaggery – 4 big balls. *Ghee – 2 tablespoons. *Coconut […]

Green lentil curry

August 17, 2020 Admin 0

Ingredients *Green lentil -500gms. *Shallots – 10 – 15 nos. *Green chilies – 1 no. *Curry leaves – 2 – 3 stems. *Grated coconut – […]

Buttermilk curry

August 17, 2020 Admin 0

Ingredients *Curd – 1 cup. *Green chilies – 2 nos. *Ginger – 1 piece. *Shallots – 5 – 6 pieces. *Grated coconut – 1/2 cup. […]

Ash gourd curry

August 17, 2020 Admin 0

Ingredients *Ash gourd – 1 no. *Green chilies – 3 nos. *Shallots – 10 – 15 nos. *Curry leaves – 2 stems. *Chili powder – […]

Wheat kanji

August 17, 2020 Admin 0

Ingredients *Wheat – 500gms. *Cumin – 2 tablespoons. *Grated coconut – 1 cup. *Water – 3 cups. *Salt – as per taste. Method 1 Crush […]