Ladyfinger curry

*Ladyfinger – 1 kg.
*Onion – 1 no.
*Green chilies – 2 nos.
*Cumin – 1 tablespoon.
*Cinnamon – 1 small piece.
*Coconut oil – 4 tablespoons.
*Mustard – 1 tablespoon.
*Dried chilies – 2 nos.
*Curry leaves – 2 stems.
*Coconut milk (thin and thick )- 1 cup each.
*Salt – to taste.
1 Clean and cut ladyfinger.
2 Chop green chilies and onion.
3 Make a powder grinding cumin and cinnamon.
4 Heat a pan with oil, splutter mustard. Saute in dried chilies and curry leaves.
5 Saute in the cut ladyfinger, green chilies, onion.
6 To the thin milk add the coriander powder. Pour the mixture into the ladyfinger.
7 Season with salt and the prepared powder. Cover and cook.
8 When the curry starts to boil add in the thick milk and remove from the flame before the boil.

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