Sweet maida Biscuits


  • Maida-1 kg
  • Sugar-1/2 kg
  • Cardamom-2 nos
  • Milk-1 cup
  • Ghee-2 or 3 tbsp
  • Oil-for frying


  • First we grind the sugar and cardamom into fine powder.
  • Take a large bowl add maida flour ,sugar and cardamom powder and ghee
  •  Combine well with your fingers to make sure the ghee is evenly mixed.
  • Then we add little by little amount of milk. Make a very stiff dough,set a side.
  • Make small balls out of the dough, Dust the dough ball in maida generously and roll
    each dough ball into a flat circle.
  • Then we cut the circle into little diamonds with the help of a knife.
  • Heat oil in a pan add the diamond cuts to the oil. Fry on low medium flame until
    golden brown.
  • Drain the biscuit on a bowl, and enjoy the sweet taste of biscuit

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