Crispy Onion Samosa Recipe


  • Maida flour
  • Onion-2
  • Coriander leaf- small amount
  • Chillipowder-2 tsp
  • Cumin powder-1 tsp
  • Garammasala-1 tsp
  • Ginger-1 medium
  • Salt-to taste
  • Oil-for frying
  • Water-for mixing


  • Take a large bowl add maida,hot oil and water,mix well
  • Add the oil and then start mixing with your fingers.mix the dough very well and keep
    a side
  • Take a pana put the chapati on the pan and cook from both sides.
  • Now cut it horizontally, diving into 2 equal portions using a knife.
  • Then we make a sealing mixture,take a small bowl add two tsp of maida and water
    mix it well
  • Take a bowl add onion,coriander leaf, chilli powder ,cumin powder, ginger, coriander
    leaf and salt mix it well
  • Then we take a chapati sheet , grease with maida and make cone.
  • Staff onion mix into the cone,grace with maida mix on the edge.
  • Heat oil in a pan and add samosa, stir occasionally, frying the samosa on low flame
    for atleast 12 to 15 minutes.
  • once the samosa turns golden and crisp, drain off over tissue paper.
  • Enjoy the taste of crispy onion samosa into coffee or tea

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