Traditional Style Snack Sesame Seed Balls

  • Sesame black seeds
  • Ingredients
  • Black sesame seeds – ½ kg (washed and drained)
  • Rice grain – ½ kg ( washed and drained )
  • Coconut – 1 (Grated)
  • Jaggery – ½ kg
  • Water as required


  • Firstly, in a pan deep fry the black sesame seeds and rice grains separately . Then
    deep fry the grated coconut till its brown in color and keep it aside.
  •  Now grind the fried rice grains into powder. Then crush the black sesame seeds and
    keep it aside. Also grind the fried coconut.
  •  In a pan boil water and melt the jaggery to prepare jaggery water.
  •  While the jaggery water is boiling, in a pan mix the rice grain power , black sesame
    seed powder and grinded fried coconut and mix it well.
  •  Add jaggery water to the above mix bit by bit and blend it well. Now prepare small
    balls and repeat the process till the entire powder is maid into small balls.
  •  Wait till the balls are cold and now its ready to be served.
  •  Enjoy the Kerala style sesame seed ball snack.


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