- Oil-3 or 4 tsp
- Mustard seed-1/2tspn
- Ginger-1big piece
- Garlic-6 cloves
- Curry leaves – 2 sprig
- Chilli powder – 2tspn
- Malabar tamarind – 3 or 4 pieces
- Fenugreek powder-1/4tspb
. Heat coconut oil in a earth pot or pan and add mustard seed start to pop
. Then we add ginger, curry leaves, Malabar tamarind, Fenugreek powder, chilly powder sautéd for minute. Then we add water and mix well. Also add fish to the earth pot
.Close the pan or earth pot with a lid and cook some minutes.
. Remove the fish curry from heat and allow the curry to rest for at least a couple of hours. It tastes better the next day. Serve with rice or chappathi.
Tapioca recipe
- Tapioca-1kg
- Grated coconut -1/2 cup
- Green chilli-2 or 3 nos
- curry leaves -3 or 4 strings
- garlic-6 or 7 pieces
- cumin seed -1/2 tsb
- salt- to taste
- Method
Peel the tapioca and wash it though roughly to remove dirt ans sand.
Cut into rough cubes pieces
Cook the tapioca in a pan with enough water to cover with lid until the pieces are soft then
drain the remaining water are discard
Crush gratted coconut,green chilli,garlic,cumin seed ,curry leaves,turmeric powder and salt to
Add the cooked tapioca into the crushed spices,
Mix well and continue to stir until the spices coat the tapioca
To ensure all spices are to your taste and remove from heat and serve it with chicken curry.
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