coconut milk-1 cup
cumin seed-/2 tsp
1. In a large mixing bowl, beat eggs in a bowl till fluffy and add sugarand mix well
2. Put the cumin seeds and salt, mixed thoroughly.
3. Mix the coconut milk into the beated egg bowl,
4. Then we add the rice flour into the coconut milk mixture
5. Add slowly while you keep stirring in a spatula to make a fine batter.
6. The consistency of the batter should neither be too thick nor too thin.
7. Take a pan. Put oil in it. Heat the oil. Make an achappam mold. Put it in the oil. Get it
8. Continue with the process until you have fried all the achappam mold. Get the oil
drained off it
9. Serve these Kerala Style Achappam as an evening snack along with teamasala chai.
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